Our Lady of Lebanon Church
Schedule of Divine Liturgy

     Starting Saturday, May 23rd, we will resume Masses with the following procedures and guidelines until further notice. In order to keep a 6-ft social distancing and serve you in a safe manner, we are limited to 33 persons inside the church during Mass. Due to the limitation, we will have additional Masses scheduled to accommodate you. Once the church reaches the 33 person limit, the doors will be closed and you may wait for the next mass. If you have questions, please call the rectory. We ask for your kind patience during this challenging time.

Weekend Masses:

Religious Guidelines:
  • 1. Elderly who are ill are encouraged to stay home.
  • 2. If you are sick with a cold or flu, please stay home.
  • 3. Wear your own face mask while you are inside the church (masks are not provided by the church).
  • 4. Sit on the white sheet of paper placed on every other pew to maintain the 6-ft distance required by law. Family members living in the same household do not need to maintain a 6-ft distance to each other.
  • 5. Cleanse your hands with sanitizer, provided by the
  • church, before you come to receive Communion. Keep a 6-ft distance to others while you are in the aisle.
  • 6. You will receive Communion in your bare hand. Do not wear gloves when you receive Communion in your hand.
  • Confession:



  • Please make arrangements at least six months in advance before any other plans are made.

  • Sick Calls & Anointing of the Sick:
  • Please notify the pastor any time at (304) 233-1688